Casni, Stephen
Dominic College, Glenorchy
Chapman, Richard
Star of the Sea College, George Town
Franzin, Jon
St Virgil's College, Austins Ferry
Hill, Stephen
MacKillop College, Mornington
Illingowrth, Elizabeth
St Patrick's College, Launceston
Legosz, Jo
Guilford Young College, Glenorchy
McDougall, Elizabeth
Sacred Heart College, New Town
Messer, Damian
St Mary's College, Hobart
Pollard, Eamonn
St Aloysius College, Kingston Beach
Ralph, Stuart
St Brendan Shaw College, Devonport
Richardson, Megan
Mt Carmel College, Sandy Bay
Sandric, Joseph
St Aloysius College, Hobart
Sharman, Gregg
Marist Regional College, Burnie