CaSPA Leadership Development Scholarship

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A part of CaSPA's charter is to promote Excellence in Educational Leadership. Catholic Secondary Principals will have the opportunity to engage in relevant formal study to improve their leadership knowledge and skills.

The CaSPA Board is offering an annual scholarship to the value of $5000 for study in Educational Leadership.

Previous Recipients

Year  Name  School  State  Course
2017  Mary Farah St Aloysius College Victoria Leadership Course (Harvard School of Grad Education)
2018  Daniel Delmage Trinity College College NSW  Leadership Course (Harvard School of Grad Education)
2019 Trazel Scott Hennessy Catholic College NSW Women in Leadership Course (Harvard School of Grad Education)


Richard Chapman Star of the Sea College Tasmania Leadership Course (Harvard School of Grad Education)


No Applications -Covid      COVID Restrictions 


Elizabeth Hanney Siena College Victoria Doctoral Studies (ACU)


Corey Tavella  Thomas More College SA ICP Convention, Finland


Bradley Hall John Paul College WA ICP Convention, Finland


Amanda Wilson St Joseph's Catholic High School NSW ACU International Study Tour

Nomination Protocols

Nominations for the CaSPA Leadership Development Scholarship will be open to all Secondary School Principals working within the Catholic Education Sector who are members, through their State/Territory Principals' Association, of Catholic Secondary Principals Australia [CaSPA]. Such nominations, together with appropriate documentation will be submittted to the Executive of the Catholic Principals' Association in each respective State or Territory and should address the Award Selection Criteria.

State and Territory Associations will evaluate all submissions and forward the successful nomination to the CaSPA Board.

The CaSPA Board, comprising a Director from each State and Territory Catholic Jurisdiction, will make the final recommendation for the CaSPA Leadership Development Scholarship.

  • This is an annual award and is not tied to the biennial conference.
  • Successful candidates are expected to submit a Report and / or a Presentation at a relelvant conference.
  • Nominations are to reach the CaSPA Executive Officer by the due date each year so that a decision can be made at the Board's final meeting of the year.
  • Current CaSPA Board members are ineligible for nomination.