


John Bormolini

Current School:

Chisholm Catholic College

Previous Position:

Principal at Emmanuel Catholic College

First Year as a Principal:


My big picture for my current school is:

Christ centred, Child focussed education, always aspiring towards the highest standards of excellence and care.

The Joy of Principalship is:

Sharing in the journey and making whatever positive difference.

Favourite Book:

The Old Man and the Sea.

Favourite Food:


Interests / Hobbies:

Free Lance writing, Boating, Fishing, 4WD Exploring, Camping, Painting, Travelling.

My Favourite Well-Being Strategy:

Find and maintain other or varied interests away from work.

Advice for a Beginning Principal:

Be real.

Favourite Leadership Quote:

Make your vocation your vacation.

What Title would you give to your TED Talk or Book:

Live Life with Heart and Soul.

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